
Our filter for beer conquer the northern breweries

Case studies / November 2017

VLS Technologies seal a couple of new and important collaborations with the brewery Harboe and with Heather Ales, a microbrewery which is part of the Group Williams Bros. Brewing Co. Both the producers have chosen to depend on the technology of filters for beer by VLS.

VLS Technologies have supplied Harboe with a DE filter with vertical screens for beer filtration FVV-35-BVA and Heather Ales, which is part of the Group Williams Bros. Brewing Co., with an horizontal screes DE filter for beer FOC-10-BVA.

Both the machines are compact monoblock entirely in Stainless Steel (AISI 304 or AISI 316) and they are designed to filter food liquids thanks to the use of filtering aids such as fossil flour. The product to be filtered flow from a dosing tank and feed and dosing pumps to a filtering bell where the main filtration happens through filtering aids and the vertical screens in the filters of the FVV series or horizontal screens in the FOC filters.

At Harboe the filter is used for filtering beer and a sugar solution based on malt. The FVV range goes from 5 to 75 sqm o filtering surface but VLS Technologies can manufacture filters of various dimensions depending on customer’s needs.

The 10 sqm horizontal screens filter used at Heather Ales for beer filtering is available in various dimensions depending on the customer’s needs as well; it ranges from 5 to 35 sqm of filtering surface.

Harboe is a fifth-generation Danish Company with plants in 3 countries and they are commercially active in over 90 markets worldwide. The Scottish Group Williams Bros. Brewing Co. is considered one of the most eclectic and productive brewery on Scotland. Born in 1988, they are a family-run Company which produce ale beer of a characteristic taste by using typical Scottish raw materials.

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