
Brazil: a pneumatic press PSC for Vinicola Campestre

Case studies / March 2018

The Company Vinicola Campestre is located in the Rio Grande do Sul state, the most important Brasilian wine region.

They are doing relevant investment to renew and ehnamce their machinery, increase the production rate and improve the quality. That is why they chose to depend on our technologies and our expertise purchasing one of our PSC 160 hl press and 2 500000 fr/h chillers (CRV-2632).

Compared to the other types of presses, our range with membrane and closed drum allows, thanks to the inflating of a membrane, to press softly and evenly the grapes so to avoid extracting compounds which could alter the product on the following phases of processing. The entire operation is monitored by a PLC which allows to set both default and customized pressing programs. This way the winemaker is free to decide how to adapt all the working phases (inflating, deflating and holding the membrane in pressure) to the products he has to process. Said working process is automatic, so you won’t need a constant presence of the operator.

Vinicola Campestre was founded half a century ago and it is a family-run Company. They produce wines, juices, sparkling wines and they depend on a expert oenological method and technology; that allows them to satisfy their customers with natural and characteristic flavour products.

Brazil ranks third among the Latin America wine producer countries, after Chile and Argentina. The country has been labelled as a “great promise” in the oenological scene, a promise which has not yet shown all its wide potential. The wine culture is expanding inside Brazil; wine consumption is not only for riches anymore, new trade associations are born and the local producers are more and more specialized.

Moreover, in 2017 Brazilian wineries have produced 753.200 tons of grapes for wine. Ibravin, the Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho, foresees for 2018 a production around 600000 tons, 20% less than the lucky 2017. This decrease does not scare the producers, though; the quality of grapes has improved. The increase in production in the last years has helped Brasilian wines export in the world. Inside the country wine shops and vendors are selling more and more national bottles; this a tendency which proves an evident improvement of the product thanks to the evolution of the production methods used by several wineries. In the latest years Brazilian wine producers have been working hard to improve the quality and the identity of their wines and each and every area has been specializing in vines and techniques more in line with their territory’s vocation.

Many companies from wine and food sector have chosen VLS Technologies’ solutions for their production process in order to improve the quality of their products. Our vertical screens filters and our chillers are already bought by Vinicola Quintas de Sao Braz, Laticinios Bio LTDA and Vinhos Milani they chose us for our expertise and know-how in liquid processing.

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